In Air COVID-19 and Flu A&B Screening

For Business and Residential Use

Premier Medical Laboratory  uses state of the art technology and the latest advancements in pathogen testing for an effective COVID-19 surveillance solution. We are able to deliver timely and highly reliable real time PCR results about pathogen presence to help protect employees and communities while maintaining business and operational continuity.

World Health Organization Logo with Crest
The world’s most contagious diseases are spread by in-air transmission. According to WHO, this is defined as “The dissemination of droplet nuclei that remain infectious when suspended in air over long distances and time.” In other words, it’s the sneezing, coughing, talking, or breathing from one infected person that releases pathogens into the air to then be inhaled by another person


We charge $350.00 for one time service and structured costs for multiple appointments. Samples are tested using Applied BiosystemsTM TaqPathTM COVID-19 & Flu A&B Combo Kit, a highly sensitive multiplex realtime PCR diagnostic solution.

From start to finish the machine takes 2-3 hours to collect samples from your home or facility. We then test your sample in our CLIA certified clinical laboratory and deliver the results to you within 24 hours. 

Click below to book now! Once you book our knowledgeable staff will call you for more detailed information!

Premier Medical Laboratory utilizes the most advanced, state of the art equipment by Thermo Fisher. Please Click here to view a detailed explanation.